Wednesday 18 April 2012

What is the Worthiness Revolution?

Through some amateur study and personal insight I've come to realize several truths about us as people and the way we move through life. I must make a disclaimer: what I'm saying here has been said before by others before me and hopefully many after; however perhaps the way I say it may mean something to you. I've come to understand the way we interact and cause pain in ourselves and eachother by seeing it so clearly in myself. This insight has caused me to accept some basic truths about myself, and about us. I phrase these truths modeled after the Buddha's Four Noble Truths. That being said, I chose this fashion because I think it clearly outlines the cause and effect reality of our actions rather than because I support any one particular religious belief over another.
I see these truths as:

1. Suffering is caused by isolation which is a lack of connection.
2. True connections require honest vulnerability.
3. The ability to be vulnerable requires self acceptance and self-worth.
4. Self-worthiness is the path to compassion.
I decided to call these discussions The Worthiness Revolution because now is the time for us to evolve. Many great philosophers, scientists and theologists have pointed to the fact that as a species we have not physically evolved for an extended period of time. They hypothesize that our next phase of our evolution is a social change. A shift in societal thinking to a more skillful and all-encompassing point of view. Given the recent world events and the general state of our world, I say we really have no choice but to change or become extinct.
I believe that once we really recognize - and I mean experientially not just intellectually- that we are infact all connected, we will begin to make choices that benefit us all. You'll notice through my truths that the key to ending suffering and creating compassion is self-worthiness and acceptance. Only once you can accept the reality of what is really happening in any one given moment within you can you accept and be compassionate towards others.
I offer my limited knowledge on these topics because once one understands them, you can not keep them to yourself. I also ask for the experiences, knowledge and thoughts from others because we are infact all in this together. This is not merely my truth, but ours. 

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